How to make Banana Cake

Homemade Banana Cake

1 egg, 2 bananas, 150ml milk, 80g sugar, 60ml vegetable oil, salt, 7g vanilla, 8g baking powder, 150g flour and vinegar

1. Sprinkle one table spoon of sugar in a pan

2. Slice the bananas into small circle shape and place it round the pan

3. Get a clean bowel and add 1 egg, a pinch of salt, one pinch of vanilla and mix together

4. Add 150ml of milk into the mixture and turn it

5. Add 150g of flour with 8g of baking powder and mix well
6. Slowly pour the mixture over the banana so that it won’t move the bits

7. Cover the pan and place it on low heat for about 30 minutes

8. Carry the pan down and turn the other side of the cake, then place it on heat for 3-4 minutes without covering the pan

9. After the time has elapsed, take it out of the pan and allow to cool or you may decide to eat it while warm

10.Relax and enjoy your delicious homemade cake