Social Implication of Adolescent Stage to the Family Development in Enugu South Local Government Area

Adolescence begins about the age of 11 years and ends at young adulthood about 19 years.

Cunnigham (2007) defines adolescence as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Eya (2003) sees the adolescence period as a time when the individual has fully developed to accept the role and responsibilities of adulthood.

There is a change in the character of adolescence especially some from 10 years to 13 years. Social ills like drug abuse, sexual perversion which often leads to teenage pregnancy and abortions, examination malpractice, and school dropouts constitute problems faced during adolescence. 

These changes in the character of adolescence in Enugu South Local government area of Enugu State, have positive and negative implications on the family. The positive aspect, that adolescents assist in different areas. The boys help a lot in sorting out the main duties in the home. However, that manifests the already enumerated negative attitudes often serves as a source of stress in the family. 


Substance abuse: Substance abuse is one of the social ills among adolescents. Several studies on substance abuse among adolescents in the country have been carried out scents. Manyike (1999) studies 'the pattern of substance abuse among adolescents in Enugu and noticed that the prevalence of substance abuse ranged from 41.7% for cannabis.

Examination Malpractice: Today in our society, examination malpractice is also one of the social ills practiced among adolescents. The major reason why adolescents indulgence in exam malpractices is that parents and significant of others would want them to excel academically, but where they find it difficult to make it their last hope is to engage in examination malpractice.

Cultism: Cultism is another social ill among adolescents Oken (2005) stated that secrete cult was introduced in Nigeria by P.O Soyinka, Raph Operator among others with the Sole objective to fight colonialism.

Pre-marital sexual activities: Pre-marital sexual activities, which often result in teenage pregnancies are also among the social ills. The consequences of pre-marital sexual activities include sexually transmitted diseases such as Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Aids, even abortions that can cause death to some of these adolescents.

If parents should express love for their children, be patients and friendly with them, make them feel belong, accept them the way they are, without always wishing they are, without always wishing they were somehow different, if only we will respect them as people bringing them to the family decision, plan and budgeting and also listen to -them, the adolescent behavior will change.

Parents should have a good communication link with their children, listen to them they should handle adolescent property with love and reasoning at this stage of their lives.