How to permanently cure ulcer with unripe pawpaw - Health

 Unripe pawpaw for curing ulcer

An ulcer is a sore that develops on the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine.

Ulcers occur when stomach acid damages the lining of the digestive tract. Common causes include the bacteria H. Pylori and anti-inflammatory pain relievers including aspirin.

Upper abdominal pain is a common symptom.

Treatment usually includes medication to decrease stomach acid production. If it is caused by bacteria, antibiotics may be required. Also, ulcers can be cured naturally with the free gifts of nature such as unripe pawpaw.

This pawpaw water will cure your ulcer.  You will not feel the ulcer pain anymore because it will cure the internal wounds which are at the origin of the pain.

Many times too much of toxins in the body system can result in ulcers; to avoid these check out my previous post on DAILY DETOX DRINK

You can check out my previous post on pawpaw seed; 16 Benefits of Pawpaw Seeds. It will enlighten you more and the health benefits of these seeds.

Things need

  • Unripe pawpaw
  • Water
  • Clean container

Method of Preparation

  1. Get unripe pawpaw and wash it
  2. Do not peel or remove the seeds
  3. After carefully cleaning the outside, slice into small pieces (like sugar cube) without peeling it
  4. Pull all the small pieces of pawpaw in a clean container
  5. Fill the container with water to stop the same point as the sliced pawpaw
  6. Leave the pawpaw in the water for four days


Drink half a glass of pawpaw water three times a day. This dosage may be continued for weeks or months depending on the severity of the ulcer. It is not a relief, it is a cure.

Things ulcer patients should avoid

  • Avoid spicy foods and eat early
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid caffeine and some drugs
  • Avoid orange, pineapple, lime, lemon, and sugarcane

Try this out; if it works for you come back and drop your testimony. Don’t forget to share because sharing is caring.

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