Health tips: The color of your urine says much about your health


Every time you urinate you have the chance to learn something about yourself; from how hydrated you are to whether some of your vital organs may be showing signs of dysfunction. The color of urine can tell you a lot about your body. Here's a list of urine colors and what they indicate:

No Color (Transparent): You are drinking a lot of water. You may want to cut back.

Pale Straw Color: You are normal, healthy and well-hydrated.

Dark Yellow: Normal. But drink some more water.

Syrup or Brown Ale: You could have liver disease or severe dehydration. Drink water and see your doctor if it persists.

Pink to Reddish: This might simply mean that you’ve consumed red-tinted food. While on the other hand, this can be an indication of blood in your urine, which may indicate kidney issues, internal injury, or cancer.

Orange: This might indicate that you have bile in your urine or a liver disorder and this urine is a reason for concern.

Blue or Green: Okay, this is different. There is a rare genetic disease that can turn your urine blue or green. Also certain bacteria can infect the urinary tract. But it's probably a food dye in something you ate or a medication. You won't die from it, but see your doctor if it persists.

Purple: There's no such thing as purple urine.

Foaming or Fizzing: This indicate excess protein in your diet or a kidney problem. See a doctor if foaming happens all the time.
Urine smell may indicate a health problem
Foul smell: The bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs) can produce a foul smell. Symptoms of a UTI include burning during urination, fever, chills, and back pain. If you have a urinary infection, you will need to be prescribed an antibiotic.

Sweet smell: Sweet-smelling urine may be a sign of diabetes or liver disease.

Musty smell: Certain metabolic disorders may cause musty-smelling urine as well.

Always consider that consuming some particular foods and drinks, like coffee and asparagus for example, can give urine an intense smell, which is totally normal.

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